Professional Affiliate Members

Are you interested in having the opportunity to network with other experienced conservation and preservation professionals? Would you like to help us fulfill our mission to support the care and conservation of our region’s cultural heritage collections?

The Professional Affiliate members of CCCA are established preservation professionals, including archivists, conservators, curators, museum technicians, registrars, and others involved in the care and preservation of cultural heritage collections. They help support our mission by participating in CCCA-sponsored events and serving as resources within the region’s broader cultural heritage community.

To qualify, a Professional Affiliate member must meet the following three criteria:

  • Have earned an undergraduate degree or the international equivalent in a relevant discipline.

  •  Have received an advanced degree, or completed at least two (2) years of full-time postgraduate education or completed supervised training in conservation, museum studies, historic preservation, collections care and management, library and archives, or another collections care-focused discipline.

  • 3) Have at least five (5) years of postgraduate full-time work experience (or its part-time equivalent) in a collections care profession. 

Professional Affiliate Membership Benefits

  • Inclusion in the directory of CCCA members (posted on the CCCA website)

  • Regularly scheduled networking opportunities with other PA members

  • Opportunity to assist with organizing, hosting or running a CCCA workshop or other event

  • Advance notice of all CCCA sponsored events and discounts on fee-based events

  • Access to custom designed-by-CCCA educational opportunities

  • Opportunity to contribute to blog posts (including contribution of articles, column highlights, announcement of events, exhibits, projects, awards, etc.)

  • Ability to advertise job and internship positions through CCCA email blasts

Professional Affiliate dues for 2025 are $30.00. To apply, please complete the form below and email us a copy of your resume. We will be in touch once your application has been reviewed.

If you would prefer to send us a paper form, please email us and we’ll send you a printable application form.